Test your knowledge of the Bible, animals, human body, etc. More games coming soon!
How to play:
Find the missing name to reunite Bible characters pairs. e.g. "Abel and..." ; "Adam and ...".
First make teams (1 to 4 teams).
Take turns to answer each question.
When the team's answer is correct, click "okay", if not, click the "oops" button.
Sometimes, just randomly, points can be taken away (ouch!) or bonus points can be added (yess!). Enjoy!
"Bible pairs", the online game created by UPLIFT Ministries, is available on an external online platform. UPLIFT Ministries does not manage, control, endorse, nor take responsibility for the other games accessible on this platform. By clicking on the game below, you agree and accept this term.
How to play:
Quickly identify Bible characters from the Old testament
First make teams (1 to 4 teams).
Take turns to answer each question.
When the team's answer is correct, click "okay", if not, click the "oops" button.
Sometimes, just randomly, points can be taken away (ouch!) or bonus points can be added (yes!). Enjoy!
IMPORTANT NOTE: "Bible Bible characters _Old Testament", the online game created by UPLIFT Ministries, is available on an external online platform. UPLIFT Ministries does not manage, control, endorse, nor take responsibility for the other games accessible on this platform. By clicking on the game below, you agree and accept this term.
This is similar to the previous game. How quickly can you identify Bible characters from the New testament? Play in teams for added fun.
First make teams (1 to 4 teams).
Take turns to answer each question.
When the team's answer is correct, click "okay", if not, click the "oops" button.
Sometimes, just randomly, points can be taken away (ouch!) or bonus points can be added (yes!). Have fun!
"Bible Bible characters _ New Testament", the online game created by UPLIFT Ministries, is available on an external online platform. UPLIFT Ministries does not manage, control, endorse, nor take responsibility for the other games accessible on this platform. By clicking on the game below, you agree and accept this term.
Choose the correct an​swer in this multiple choice quiz. A fun way to (re)discover fun facts about animals, nature and the human body. Enjoy!