Refreshed! Weekly _ February/March 2023
Tue, Feb 07
|Zoom - Group coaching programme
12 simple steps to strengthen your mental well-being and resilience. Six weekly online sessions. Tuesdays at 7:00 PM (GMT)

Time & Location
Feb 07, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:45 PM GMT
Zoom - Group coaching programme
About the Event
12 simple steps to strengthen your mental well-being.
Refreshed! is a group coaching programme designed to help you:
- Build up resilience.
- Feel revived and recharged.
- Get reconnected with God and people.
- Find reassurance in who you are.
Each coaching session will include the following:
- special focus on a specific well-being tip
- a group discussion
- a personal action plan
- session #1: Praise & Prayer
- session #2: Promise and Positive People
- session #3: Participation & Pardon
- session # 4: Physical Exercise & Pause
- session #5: Provisions and Performance
- session #6: Perspective and Purpose
You will be equipped with simple and effective techniques to strengthen your overall mental well-being, develop your resilience, increase your sense of self-worth and be empowered to realise your unique potential.
Also, by joining, you will also be part of a private online group where event participants can connect with other group members, receive event updates and share uplifting content.
- Registration is donation-based (no minimum required). Details are available on your registration ticket.
- You will receive the Zoom link after registration.
- "Refreshed! weekly" is a not a group-therapy programme, all information are shared for educational purpose only. If you experience severe mental health issues, please consider contacting a therapist or counsellor.
Should you have questions, please get in touch with
Register today and secure your spot to Refreshed! 12 simple steps to strengthen your mental wellbeing.
12 steps to strengthen your mental wellbeing. This ticket gives you access to the twelve online sessions including coaching tools and worksheets and a private online group so you can receive updates and connect with other group members. Please see ticket policy for more details.
Pay what you wantSale ended