How stepping out in faith gives you access to gifts that God wants to bestow upon you.

How would you feel if somebody whom you (respected but) never spoken to calls you “daughter” in front of other people? Would you feel… Patronised? Ridiculed? Confused? Valued? Loved?
Whatever your response, your feeling will echo how you first perceived the intention behind the word spoken to you.
This week, as I reread Mark 5:21-34, something came to light, and I would like to share four marvellous gifts that Jesus offered to the woman from the story.
Let’s summarise it first.
The woman called “daughter” was a woman who had been sick for... twelve years. She had a sickness that no one could cure, not even doctors – who received a steady income by having this woman as their client. As her purse became lighter, her pain became heavier. . But then, she heard that Jesus was in town. Although weak, she was resolute to approach and touch Jesus’ garment so she could be healed. And, it happens. She got healed. Miraculously. “Immediately, … she felt in her body that she was healed of the affliction.” Mark 5:29
There is a lot to unpack here, so take some time to read the story. But for now, I would like us to focus on Jesus’ words to the woman. “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction.”Mark 5: 34. For me, these words are the real spiritual climax of the story. Let’s focus on these words now.

1) “Daughter, ...”
- Jesus establishes a close, affectionate connection with the woman. Jesus wants her to acquire a deep sense of belonging to Him.
Wow! Imagine how this first word, “Daughter”, addressed directly to her, moved her to the core. She had been isolated, ostracised for so many years because of her then “incurable” illness. For the last twelve years, no one could help; no friends, no family members, not even medical experts. But, as she stepped out in faith, her true identity come to the fore and shone brightly. She was no longer the weak, insecure, lonely and poor woman that people despised because of her illness. She was a daughter of the Kings of Kings. Empowered, healed, renewed, blessed and strong.
What does it mean for you? What you are going through, how people call you, what your physical/emotional reality looks like does not define you. Your identity is defined in who you believe in. When you first believe that Christ is who you really need, you are strong, blessed and victorious. Know that you are loved, valued and precious to Christ. In short, first, know your identity in Christ.

2). “...your faith has made you well.”
Receiving healing through touching the garment of Jesus, was no magical or science-fi act. It was an act performed out of faith. A faith that simmered and matured after years of suffering. Years of crying out for healing, years of seeking help from the hands of the experts she trusted fully. She had reviewed her belief system and chose to focus on Christ the Redeemer. Christ became her last hope for her physical healing. (*)
As a result, she gathered the few ounces of energy she had left and received by faith what she was longing for. “Faith without works is dead” (verse ref). God will partner with us as long as we do our part in faith. From this perspective, faith is a partnership between human being and God’s divine power and wisdom.
After revealing to her true identity, - daughter - Jesus focuses on her act of faith. When you know who you are, your actions will reflect your identity.
The story doesn’t stop there. Let’s review the first two steps; Christ first revealed her an identity: “Daughter.” Gift number #1. Then He acknowledges and rewards her act of faith “your faith has made you well.” This is gift #2.

3) “Go in peace,”
Jesus goes deeper. He goes beyond mere physical healing. Jesus gives her peace that surpasses all understanding. What benefits are there to being physically well (in outward appearance), but mentally, emotionally unwell, unbalanced, confused and perplexed? Only the peace that God gives is everlasting. This is gift number #3.
As daughters of God, we can tap into the overflowing eternal source of peace – knowing that God is Sovereign and He is in control. Jesus is “the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.” Our simmering doubts and recurrent questions do not confound Christ. He welcomes them with love and compassion and wants to trade them with His peace and love. He wants to be our personal Saviour. This is where salvation occurs.
4) “...and be healed of your affliction.”
We do not know what caused this woman’s illness. But God knows. As the woman receives peace, she also receives healing for her soul. I am impressed to believe that her healing did not only occur at a physical level but deep down in her mind and soul.
Regardless of the mental or emotional affliction that was attached to her physical illness - i.e. guilt, unforgivingness, envy, depression, anxiety, insecurity, pride, etc., - the supreme healing power of Jesus erased them all and made her new.
This is the spiritual climax. - Gift number 4. Christ first granted her the desire of her heart: being physically healed. And He went deeper to heal her soul as she placed her trust in Him.
My dear Sister, whatever has been troubling you for the last few days, weeks, months or years (may it be - wanting physical healing, finding a new job, launching or expanding your business, getting married, resolving relationship or family issues, getting out of financial misery, battling with poor self-worth, struggling with anxiety etc. ) know that Christ can grant the desire of your heart, according to His will, should you step out in faith, should you be believe that He is YOUR personal Saviour.
As you listen and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, know that Jesus will heal your soul from past trespasses and sufferings.
In Him, you have an identity.
In Him, you have faith.
In Him, you are healed.
In Him, you have peace.
You are His precious daughter.
God bless you!
(PS: As usual, should you want me to pray for and/or with you, please contact:
Seeking solutions to illness and having faith in Christ does not mean ignoring the advice of wisdom and not taking medicines. In the book Ministry of healing, Ellen G. White says: "Those who seek healing by prayer should not neglect to make use of the remedial agencies within their reach. It is not a denial of faith to use such remedies as God provided to alleviate pain and to aid nature in her work of restoration. It is no denial of faith to co-operate with God, and to place themselves in the condition most favorable to recovery. God has put in our power to obtain a knowledge of the laws of life. This knowledge has been placed within our reach for use. We should employ every facility of restoration of health, taking every advantage possible, working in harmony with natural laws." Ministry of healing page 231