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7 life principles from Leah's story

Writer: ClarisseClarisse

Updated: Feb 5, 2019

Leah’s eyes were delicate, but Rachel was beautiful of form and appearance.”Genesis 29:17

When The Lord saw that Leah was unloved, He opened her womb.” Genesis 29: 31ab

Develop a positive relationship with God

Despite Leah’s unattractive appearance, unfriendly family environment and unloving husband, God favoured her and blessed her with six sons and a daughter. Through Judah, Leah's fourth son, she was privileged to be part of Jesus-Christ’s lineage. From Lead' story Here are some thoughts from a faith perspective, I would like to share with you.

Beauty is passing, cultivate a good heart

Regardless of your looks, the “apparent” defects of your body, hair, or skin, the defaults of character you have inherited from, remain true to God and in whom He made you to be. It’s ok to look good, the bottom line as per Proverb 31:31 is “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing; But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.”

Don’t let what other people think of you affect your character and identity

Regardless of how other people treat you, or compare you to other “more talented" women, whether they despised you because of your looks, your diction, your job, your status, your gender, your race, your health issue... however painful these rejections might feel, trust God. He will bless you in ways that will amaze you. He has planted in you a seed that will bear fruit, should you keep believing and be obedient. Know who you are in Christ. Know who you were created to be.

Avoid the comparison trap

It's a no brainer; the Bible puts in balance Rachel’s amazing beauty and Leah's delicates eyes. Probably, this is to exemplify what could be seen as hindrance did not actually matter to God. This aesthetic unbalance might even have triggered Leah's resilience in seeking God's blessings. Although hurt by disparaging comments (most likely) on her appearance and the coldness of her husband, Leah remained steadfast in who she was. So, avoid comparing yourself to other women, it will only lead to you more being resentful. It might even affect your relationship with God. Instead, ask Him to open your eyes so you can discern and appreciate the true-beautiful-you He made you to be.

Keep up the good work

Leah could have been satisfied with her the first two sons. Yet, she nurtured a good spirit, knowing God favored her. She was a good mum and praised God for the seven children she gave birth to. There is a lesson to ponder here. You may have started a project that you believe God put in your heart, yet you have stopped for some reasons. Don’t give up! Even if you don’t receive the encouragements you feel you deserve, persevere! Galatians 6:9 says: "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”

Develop a positive relationship with God

For each child she gave birth to, Leah not only praised God and hoped that her husband would love her for being fertile. What she didn’t have in outer beauty, she compensated in acts of praise and piety. And God blessed her for this.

Believe, Believe, Believe

Enrich your mind with the promises God speaks over you, a daughter of the Lord of Lords. Know that the good work He entrusted you with, He will complete with you and in you (Phil 1:6). When everything around fails you, (especially a close relationship, be it in your marriage, sisterhood, family, or at work) keep your faith rooted in God. He will guide you.

Remain faithful; your God-given dream could bless other people

It is amazing to witness how a rejected woman ended up be in Jesus’ lineage (Matthew 1). I marvel at God's work. He blesses his faithful servants during their lifetime and beyond. The seed God has planted in you (be it a dream, a vision, a project) could "yield a crop a hundredfold,". It could bless more people that you ever think possible. So, remain faithful!

Let's pray:

Dear God, thank you for making me who I am today. Thank you for loving me despite my imperfections. Forgive me for the times I doubted your love for me. Increase my faith in You, especially when I feel rejected by others. Help to give birth to the dream You have planted in me. In Jesus' name. Amen!



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