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7Ps to improve your mental wellbeing

Writer: ClarisseClarisse

Updated: May 13, 2021

"Keep your heart with all diligence from out of it spring the issues of life." Proverbs 4:23 (NKJV)

The context

It wasn’t easy. Their harsh words resonated still in my mind. After the “conversation” abruptly ended, I was stunned. How could I regain my emotional balance I was hit by what felt like a giant, invisible cricket bat?

Still, I wasn’t done yet.

My thoughts then engaged in a roller coaster of negative self-talk. Hit, hurt, down, and desperate to reach the “emergency stop” button, I whispered a prayer to God, “Lord, I am hurting, please help me.”

Then this song just appeared on my Youtube feed – Praise the Lord - Heritage Singers.

What kind of help is that you might say? My friend, when I listened to the music and the lyrics of the song, the emotions started to flow down my cheeks. This song acted as an emotional balm. It brought me great comfort and the reassurance of God’s presence and love for me.

This episode became a turning point in my spiritual growth and mental wellbeing.

Although I can’t always prevent adversity from showing up in my life.

Although I can’t stop people from saying hurtful things.

Although I can’t even always calm my thoughts in my own strength.

I can turn to God, listen to a song that will uplift my soul and help me detox my mind from negative thoughts. (And also learn to forgive - but that will be for another blog)

But wait, that's not the end!

This is where the 7Ps (gradually) came to life.

The framework

As I praised God for this learning and uplifting experience, He inspired me the 7Ps* - a simple but effective mental well-being framework which I am delighted to share with you today. (It started with 5Ps but now has 7Ps – Perfect!).

Prayer. Praise. Promises. Provisions. Physical Activity. Positive people.Participation

Find out how these 7 tips can help you reduce stress, anxiety and negativity.

The principles behind the 7Ps are foundational, proven, yet generic and not exhaustive. There maybe other "Ps" you might need to add, such as the "Power of Forgiveness". If you would like explore each one in depth and create a personalised action plan on how to best implement them in your life, feel free to contact me.

As you will notice these 7Ps do not require extra investment or resources; most of them are free. Print it, use it, share it. Share your comments below.

The survey and more

After you downloaded the 7Ps infographics, please take a few minutes to answer a short survey. Your feedback matters too.

Should you want to explore the 7Ps further, should you need the motivation to get started or the focus to keep going, simply get in touch with me at UPLIFT Ministries.

May God keep you and bless you as you consider making further steps in developing and sustaining your mental wellbeing. It's not too late to start now.

(*DISCLAIMER: Please note the 7Ps framework is for personal enrichment and self-development. They are not meant to replace therapy or treatment for mental health issues. If you require dedicated support, please contact a mental health professional.)


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