When God speaks to you, you experience the biggest AHA moments of your life.

"Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." Isaiah 60:1 NKJV
Have you ever experienced a powerful AHA moment?
It's when, all of a sudden, you receive a new revelation of your life. It's as if bright lights are shed on a personal issue or a situation that didn't make sense up to now. Dots are connected. You are convinced of something new. You become aware of a specific thinking pattern or behaviour that was so deeply ingrained in you, that you were blissfully unaware of.
I love how God through His Holy Spirit speaks to us - should we desire to hear Him; how He opens a window in my mind to bring something of importance to your attention. (John 16:8)
This new revelation could be anything from a risky relationship that could ultimately hurt us, to a negative repetitive thought that keeps stuck and discouraged, a (so-called) opportunity at work that could lead you to the wrong path - anything that proves a hindrance in your spiritual growth.
I like today’s verse. "Arise" a verb of action, presupposes that the person was in a dormant, inactive or insecure position. This verse is an encouragement, filled with hope. It reminds me of the episode in the Bible when Jesus heals a paralytic by saying “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” Mark 2:11 (NKJV)
"Shine" – filled and renewed by the Holy Spirit and empowered by Him, you can now enter into a new beginning and be a powerful witness for God and a blessing to others.
I wonder what has God once revealed to you that you need to act upon from today?
Let me tell briefly about my own experience.
God spoke to me. He connected the dots in an area of my life. I was blind to the scheme of the enemy – but now I see. God revealed how He had planted a seed in my life and showed me how the enemy used my weakness, i.e. getting discouraged and impatient to prevent me from growing and achieving the good works God had prepared for me.
What a revelation! I am still in awe and humbled by it.
In a nutshell, I love graphic arts (calligraphy, hand lettering, upcycled letter shapes, etc.). Yet, virtually everything single time I tried to use it to bless someone, my initiative fell flat. The intended person didn’t get it. I would start full of ideas and would work on it. Then I would stop. Why? Either something I deemed "important" or "urgent" would interrupt me, or I would feel unsatisfied with the result and would promise myself to restart later and... never did. The events passed, the birthdays, the family visits, hospital visits, the list goes on. (Oh Lord forgive me for all the times You spoke to me, obeyed, started the work, but didn’t complete or delivered the job.) So, now scattered in my drawers are the draft works that never saw the light of day. However, this is not the end. Now that I am more aware of this trait, I become more prayerfully vigilant, and I resolutely placed the creative project into God's hands before I reach my tools.
I understand one thing from this divine revelation – the enemy will try to block the good works that God has prepared for you and me. It's a spiritual battle. We will be victorious only if we wear the spiritual armour God has given in Ephesians 6:10-18 so we can both complete and successfully deliver on our God-given mission.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" says Philippians 4:13.
So, allow me to ask you:
What AHA moments did God reveal to you?
What have you been convinced of?
What steps are you taking to obey God's loving instructions and guidance?
It can be anything from adopting a healthy lifestyle to mending a broken relationship, to using your talent for his Glory, to developing your faith further, to forgiving this person who has hurt you.
If you are unsure, then consider asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what it is that you’ve missed.
Be attentive and alert. Pray about it. Once you know and are convicted of something, first consider praying earnestly to God and ask Him for forgiveness. Then ask the Holy Spirit to show you the way. He will guide you. As Proverbs 3:5,6 says – don’t rely on your understanding but acknowledge God first. He will bless you so you can be a blessing to those who need Him the most.
Until next time, "Arise and Shine"!
If you would like me to pray for you, simply contact me on hello@upliftministries.org.uk or complete the prayer closet form.
Be Blessed, Be empowered, Be a blessing in Jesus’ name and for His Glory!