Hello my lovely sisters!
I hope you are well and healthy. You and your families are in my prayers. Living in times of uncertainty forces up to adapt and adjust the best we can. While you stay safe, keep doing what you know works well for you and yours.
Allow me to share an experience we are having in our family.

"Living 24/7 on lockdown, even with loved (especially loved ones) can take its toll on relationships."
A few weeks ago, just when the lockdown started, I felt impressed to create a relationship chart for our family. Living 24/7 on lockdown, even with loved (especially loved ones) can take its toll on relationships (any witness?). The chart includes four quadrants highlighting four standards my family needed the most in these difficult times. I quickly sketched a diagram - now called "the 4Ps" - and ran it past my husband and son. They agreed to it. Now, we all have signed it and consented to keep these fundamental relationship principles at the forefront of our interactions.
"This chart helps us think twice before (over)reacting and keep us all accountable."
This chart (see below) is not a panacea, as such.
But, I can tell you this, now prominently displayed on the walls, this chart helps us think twice before (over)reacting and keep us all accountable. As a result, day by day, we are working towards maintaining healthy relationships and support each other - with Jesus-Christ at the centre of our family. To God be the Glory. I hope and pray this resonates with you. So, what are the 4Ps?
"The 4Ps" are :
Patience - "...bearing one another with love" Eph. 4:2, Eph. 4:32
Playing your part - "do not forget to do good and to share"... Heb. 13:16
Pressing on - "...we shall reap if we don't lose heart" Gal. 6:9
Positivity - "Rejoice in the Lord always" Phil. 4:4, "A merry heart does good like medicine" Prov. 17:22
Key points to highlight:
Jesus-Christ is the centre of our all interactions and the centre of our lives.
Seven Love arrows help make the wheel of relationships turn seven days a week.
Feel free to practice these qualities in our household, to discuss it with family members and see how you all bring these principles to life every day.
Feel free also to pass it on, to print it out, to tweak it with other fundamental principles that will help you go through this global turmoil with renewed strength and faith in God.

Stay faithful!
Stay positive!
Stay safe!
Until we catch up again, may God bless you!
Here is our family chart. Hope this is useful.
