How praying for your children could positively impact their journey with God.

I was surrounded by nature - big trees, spongy grass, clear blue sky. Still, I wasn't at peace.
I could feel my heart beats racing - faster and faster - the first signs of anguish. I could hear my voice shouting my son's name, very loudly. The only sound that came back to me was a dog barking in the distance. You see, one afternoon, my son and I were out, enjoying a walk in a nature reserve until, he simply... vanished.
When I turned back, he was gone.
(Now, don't judge me too quickly). Thinking of our usual "hide and seek / peekaboo" game, I waited a few seconds, until I figure out something was wrong. So, I raced back on the trail we had just covered and... still nothing, not even the glimpse of his bright red coat.

My sister... all kinds of scenarios, thoughts came to my mind. Seconds become like hours. Lovely trees seemed to have morphed into giant impenetrable walls. In the midst of this mental and emotional turmoil, one thought prevailed: crying out to GOD in prayer. And I did, speaking under my breath as I kept running and looking around, I cried to God to protect my son, to keep him safe wherever he was, to give him peace, and to help me find him (before sunset!).
This event got me thinking.
With some distance, and on a bigger scale, I better comprehend how we, women, mothers, sisters, are called to be advocates and prayer warriors for our family, our spouse, our parents. And especially our children. Sometimes, they make choices that we do not understand; choices that don't always reflect the values we try to instil in them. Sometimes they too face harsh trials.

So, as mothers or spiritual guardians, let's keep praying daily for each of our children. Let's present their struggles, their temptations, their doubts to God. Through His power channelled through us mothers, God will bless, protect, heal, comfort and empower them to be strong, well-balanced men and women in Christ. May God give us the wisdom, patience, discernment to love and nurture the precious ones He has first placed into our hands or unto our paths.
And, in case you wondered how the walk in nature story ends. Well, after what seemed to be like an eternity, a little boy with a bright red coat suddenly appeared on the top of the hill, just a few meters away from me. His face showed mixed expressions of fear, shame and relief. I later learned that he too had been praying when he realised he got lost (looking for twigs and small branches). After exchanging a big "prodigal-son-type-of-hug", he said how he had prayed to GOD twice, asking Jesus to help him find his mum.
"Mummy, God answered my prayers!"
These words warmed my still shaky but oh so grateful heart.
"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
O taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34: 4,8a
Always keep praying for your children.
Never cease to show them how to trust God for themselves.
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a downloadable PRAYER CARD - a creative and engaging way for you...
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Until the next time, stay blessed!