When was the last you hit the pause button?
Really. When did you last give yourself a chance to rest, refuel and feel revived?
We all know the typical women/mothers' drill: morning prayers, school runs, commuting, working, shopping, cooking, cleaning, helping family members and relatives, nurturing/restoring relationships, exercising (if time allows), planning family events, helping with school homework; serving in the community, in the Church... and this head-spinning to-do list goes on and on!
“When did you last take a break?”
So, if this question puzzles you or stops you in your tracks causing you to dig deep in your memory, maybe it’s time for you to take one. (Just saying!)
Seriously. Take the cue from Jesus; no one was busier than He was, i.e. helping, healing, resurrecting, teaching, blessing others (yet he had no mobile phone, no car, no microwave, no social media, no internet - all of these things that are supposed to help us save time, so we can focus on what matters to us). His disciples were very busy too. Yet, Jesus tells them to come and rest as revealed in Mark 6:30-32.
Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had taught. And He said to them, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves. (emphasis added)
And the context of this firm, non-objectable command is worth highlighting. Most likely, the disciples:
felt both the joy, excitement of helping people in need as well as the pressure and demands of the crowd. We read a few verses before in Mark 6:7-9 that the disciples had been sent to start Jesus' outreach ministry.
heard about John the Baptist's criminal death and expressed or even tried to suppress an overwhelming feeling of sadness and shock
got a better understanding of their role and mission as Christ's disciples,
All of these events (a demanding crowd, a shocking execution, a huge mission) could have threatened their emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Hence why, Christ, in His amazing grace, love and compassion for his disciples, urged them to take some time out.

What does this invitation mean for you today?
When Jesus invited his disciples to step aside and detach themselves from the crowd, it wasn't just for selfish leisure time - nothing wrong with taking some time out and enjoy a hobby. The difference was in the ultimate goal and perspective. I believe the ultimate purpose was to achieve a healthy, holistic level of wellbeing so their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being will be refreshed and renewed. As a result, they would be able to think more clearly and be of a better use for God's service and kingdom, i.e. be a blessing for the people around them.

Taking some time out to reflect, refuel on an emotional, mental and spiritual could help you:
reduce and even release daily stress and anxiety
feel refreshed so you can be more effective in your family, Church, Community ministry
get a new fresh perspective of who God wants you to be
be more focussed according to your life purpose
discover meaning in your life as a woman, mum, spouse, sister
Your invitation to take a break is here.
Are you in need of some time out? If so, find out about "Take a break" the new programme offered by UPLIFT MINISTRIES for busy women craving to feel refreshed, revived inside out. It's a 40-day programme opened to any women who want to care about their holistic wellbeing - especially the spiritual dimension. If this is you, register soon, the first cohort starts at the end of May 2019. The following groups, by God's grace, will be held: from September to October (cohort #2), and from November to December (cohort #3).
Book your place today for the first cohort!
Yes, I want to "Take a break!"
To find out more, contact me at hello@upliftministries.org.uk