"Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!"Psalm 103:1 (NKJV)

“All” This three-letter word stuck with me; it even puzzled me.
“All that is within me” What does it mean? What’s within me? My son’s anatomy book reminded me of how fascinating a biological machine our body is. A body beautifully designed and furnished with so many intricate, inbuilt functions of growth, repair, memory, defence, distribution, and so much more.
Back to today’s verse, am I supposed to bless the Lord with my unique biological machinery? Maybe not in the literal sense. Blessing God "with all that is within me" means to re-acknowledge that God is my Creator, my Maker, my Grand designer.
King David said in Psalm 139: 13, 14: “For You formed my inwards. You covered me in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvellous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well”. We are creatures of wonder. Don’t dismiss this too quickly. If you can read or hear this, at least your sight, hearing and brain are working well.
"To bless God "with all that is within me" means to acknowledge that God is my Creator, my Maker, my Grand designer."

Just like King David did, what would it look like if we took the time to praise the Lord for our whole being? Although our physical nature carries some visible and invisible “scares” stigma or defects from centuries of sin and degradation, we are still fearfully and wonderfully made.
Today, I do not want to take anything “that is within me” for granted. This verse intentionally reminds me to thank God for life bursting within me, day after day. Nothing that I do can produce life. Giving life is God’s distinctive hallmark. Solely falls into His remit, love and creative power. When was the last time you and I commanded our heart to beat 70 times per minute, to pump around five litres of blood and go around my body in less minute? yet it does - thanks to a great God, not just our Creator, and also our Sustainer, Source of all life.
They are more connections or synapses in the brain than they are stars in the universe.
It may be a candid thing to do, but I would like to thank God for the fantastic, intricate, human body architecture He has given us.
Thank you, Lord, for breathing; I can still catch my breath after playing “tag” with my child in the park.
Thank you, Lord, for regular heartbeats (around 3 billion heartbeats in a lifetime). The vast network of blood vessels bringing vital nutrients to the whole body and naturally airbrushes our checks with this gorgeous blush tint after some much-needed exercise.
Thank you, Lord, for our brain – an unmatched supercomputer with more connections or synapses in the brain than they are stars in the universe, according to neuroscientists. (Astounding!). I can still think (although it might be foggy at times), plan and balance life, work, family, house, and more while making daily decisions and showing empathy to my family and friends.
Thank you, Lord, for my whole being.

I hear you say: “Sound great! But my body is not working at its best now”.
Sure I appreciate this. Yet, allow me to challenge you: find at least one of your body machinery that operates unaided today and consider thanking God for it.
My friend, God gives us a new lease on life every day because He loves us. Rather than focussing on our defective body parts, our ailments, let us refresh our mind for redirecting our thoughts on God, the Source of life. The “All also includes everything – our body system high performers, the “doing-ok” and “the-not-so-good” ones. “And all that is within me bless His holy name.”
As you allow this insight to sink in, may this verse take on a new meaning. What a change of perspective!

Today, l invite you to reconnect with God our Creator and thank Him for life flowing in our body.
“Thank your Lord for being my Creator. You formed my inward parts. I praise You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Forgive me for focussing on my body’s defects or for taking for granted my life and wellbeing. I now choose to bless You, O Lord. I praise you, in and with this finite body as it is now. May my whole being bring youGloryevery day. In Jesus’ name, Amen!
Next article: All within me - my thoughts
Questions or comments - contact me: hello@upliftministries.org.uk
Go further: Consult this great article: 15 Incredible Things the Human Body Does Every Minute https://www.thehealthy.com/bodies/human-body-every-minute/