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When the road gets tough...

Writer: ClarisseClarisse

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

What do you do when you feel low, discouraged and wan to give up?

In this blog, I will share with you three Bible verses and two songs that were of a source encouragement when I went through low seasons of life. (Listed at the end of this post).

I pray that this reflection will give you some pointers, not only on how to manage difficult moments, but also how to grow stronger in the process. (It's not an exhaustive list)

Acknowledge what is going on

This might not be as easy as it seems. Sometimes we are so absorbed by our strong emotions that we are not aware of what is happening in us. Sometimes, it takes a friend (or even the consequences of our actions) to help us realise that something is not quite right. We are not our usual self.

In Genesis 4:6 (NIV) it was the Almighty, all-knowing God who told Cain. "Why is your face downcast?" And, to Elijah hidden in a cave, God said: "What are you doing here, Elijah?" 1 Kings 19:9c. Pay attention to the gentle words of a caring friend; these could help you be more aware of your emotional state.

+ take a few minutes to observe what you are feeling now. Are you feeling tense, tearful, shaky or else? Acknowledge it, write them on a blank piece of paper (keep it for now) but please don't judge yourself. Just be mindful of these feelings for now. They act like emotional indicators to give a hint of your current emotional, mental state.

Welcome assistance, encouragement and prayers

As women, we want to be resourceful and seen as strong for the well-being of our family, children, ministry, Church, work. What happens when your energy level is running low? When you have given our last ounce of strength, positivity, courage in school running, meal cooking, work reporting, ministry planning, projects orgasining, home cleaning, family visiting, relationship building (or battling), personal challenges fighting, calories counting, and the list goes on. At this point, you need to be replenished from the inside out. I believe God places on our path people of faith, wisdom, strongly connected to Christ to encourage us through difficult times. It could be a trusted friend, a counsellor, a coach, a pastor; consider reaching out to them.

(And should you do feel low or even depressed for an extended period of time, please consider also reaching out to professionals who can help ( e.g. counsellors, GPs.))

+ Find some Bible verses that would give strength for the day.

I keep an emergency card with powerful Bible verses and promises in my closet. It's my safety float I reach out to as soon as I feel like crushed by life storms or I feel dragged in a downside emotional whirlpool. I cling to these verses for dear life. Here's one of my favourite

Take some time out

Your life journey is long and can take a toll on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. In the low season of your life do like Elijah, find a tree and rest. So, if this is you, try and disconnect for a few minutes, a couple of hours or days, if needs be, ideally in a stress-free environment. Whether it's having healthy chat with a good friend, reading an inspiring book, listening to uplifting songs, drawing, reflecting and writing a journal, meditating and praying, consider hitting the "Pause" button - to be replenish fully. For me, praying, then listening to uplifting songs of praise helps me to escape from the snare of negative cycles of discouragement. On my emergency playlist, you will find "God is good" by Jonathan McReynods, "Psalm 34" by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir and many other inspired songs.

Reach out to God

He knows you. He knows how you are feeling right now. He knows the number hairs on your head. He knows the way out too. Bring your paper where you've written the feelings and present them to Him. Trust He will grant you with what you need, according to His will.

I like Psalm 34. King David, the psalmist, starts by praising God ("I will bless the Lord at all times") and gives us some context as to why praises Him ("I sought the Lord and He heard me"). King David starts by sharing with us the result his praises to God, the context of his story. The rest of psalm is a powerful testimony of deliverance, a lesson of encouragement to all who go through the trials of life. Take heed!

+ Psalm 34: 17 (NKJV) - Make these verses yours.

"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them;

he delivers them from all their troubles.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted

and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

The righteous person may have many troubles,

but the Lord delivers him from them all."

So, what's in my Emergency Spiritual First Aid Box?

Among other resources:

Over to you now

What Bible verses, quotes, songs, thoughts would help you to get out or go through low seasons of life? Whatever your selection, I pray that God will give you strength and peace for the season you're in.

PS: If you would like me to pray for or with you, please contact me using this form. I will be privileged to partner with you in prayer. The God we serve is all-mighty, all-powerful and so loving! He has given us the victory through Jesus. Amen!



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