Not just your full name. Think: your true inner identity. A treasure for your to (re) discover.

(Hint: Here I am not looking for the straightforward reply, i.e., name, town or country of origin or even job title.)
Who do you see yourself as?
The way you answer the question will most likely determine how you face life challenges, which direction your life is taking, how you value yourself, and which type of relationship you mostly attract, and so much more.
Who are you now is foundational to the choices you make today.
So let's do a simple exerciseDraw a table with two columns.
In the first one, define who you think you are now. Be specific.
Now in the second column, list whom God says you are. And compare the two lists.
To help you, here are some examples with their Bible verses. (Feel free to memorize any of the verses and find other references. These verses will build you emotionally and spiritually.)
I am blessed. (Luke 1:45)
I am redeemed in Christ at a great price. (1 Corinthians 7:23)
I am a child of God. (I John 3:1)
I am loved. (Isaiah 43:4)
I am wonderfully made. (Palm 139:14)
I have value to God's eye. (Isaiah 43:4)
I am protected. (Isaiah 43:1-2)
I am healed (Jeremiah 30:17)
I repented of my sins and know that I am forgiven. (Isaiah 43:25)
I have a loving Father in Heaven who listens to me (Psalm 116:1,2)
I am a letter to the world. (2 Corinthians 3:2,3)
I was born for a purpose. (Romans 8:28)
I am gifted. (1 Peter 4:10,11)
I am ___________________ (fill the gap with what God says about you in the Bible)
Which one(s) resonate with you? And why? How knowing who you are in Christ can help you grow your talents and achieve your God-given vocation and mission?
According to the Word of God, the Bible, whom do you see yourself as?
Ask God to reveal to you your true identity.
i.e. your strengths, your spiritual lineage, your gifts and talents
Jesus is the only way, the truth and the light. Through Him, you will know who you are (your God-given gifts, unique talents, character, your mission(s), your purpose, your strengths, your weaknesses, your values and more). Moreover, you will grow stronger in the process.
You are not what other people say you are. You are even not what your thoughts might say you are. Knowing who you are in Christ will set you free from the captivity of limited, self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. Start or restart your life journey with Him as your Guide and Companion. Your life is worth living when you know and experience that your true identity is in Christ.
Let's pray
Lord Jesus, I place my sister who reads these words into your might hands. Guide her as she searches and found her true identity in You, her Maker, Creator, Counsellor and Friend. May she be convinced by the Holy Spirit that she has a great value, a life purpose. Bless her as she starts or continues her journey with You. In your name Jesus, I pray, Amen!
Blessings in abundance.