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Your best way into 2019

Writer: ClarisseClarisse

Before you finish writing your much-anticipated personal goals for 2019, consider this simple, but oh-so essential step.

You’ve heard the phrase “New Year, New You” in (too) many adverts (well… no comments).

Indeed, the start of a new year sounds ideal for setting goals (notice I prefer using “goals” than “resolutions” as the latter tends to fade away as soon as I’ve uttered the word.)

So, I am curious, what would you put on your goals list for 2019? Would it be to:

  • go to the gym,

  • find a new job,

  • cook healthier meals,

  • visit relatives leaving abroad,

  • start a new relationship or a family

  • respond to God’s calling on your life,

  • attend Church and be involved in Ministry?

All the above sounds great.

Now, I wonder…

What single step could have a positive impact on your life from a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual viewpoint?

May I share with you an uplifting Bible verse for inspiration: “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.”Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) or “Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions”.(TM)Jesus said these words when teaching the crowd how to live a worry/anxiety-free life regarding food, clothes. Even though you’re not feeling anxious, I believe Jesus’ invitation to seek God first still apply to us.

Maybe you wonder how you can seek the Kingdom of God – practically.

Spend quality time with God.

King David said in Psalm 5:3 “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”Let God hear your voice first thing in the morning. Submit your plea, your dreams directly to Him. And trust He will answer in His time.

Some of you may already practice this. In this case, add a second layer to the foundation.

Take time to read and reflect on God’s Word, the Bible.

While we’re at it, let me share my experience. Last month, I felt impressed to read the Bible all over again. The objective being to strengthen my faith, “to be filled in the knowledge of God’s will, in all wisdom and spiritual understanding”. (Colossians 1: 9b). So, I am now excited about the Bible in Year reading plan I am following (there are many available online). The one I chose allows me to read a few chapters from both Old and New Testament (perfect to get the whole message of the Bible), and gives me a chance to catch up, should I miss my daily reading.

Whatever method you chose, here is my challenge for you:

Define the daily step that you can take from today to start or develop a fresh, new relationship with God. You will not be disappointed.

Bottom Line: Put God first. Believe in Him. He will guide as you set your goals for 2019. He also will give you the strength, wisdom and courage to achieve them.

Until next time, stay blessed.

(Need prayers? Simply get in touch.)



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