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Word games

Word games are great to expand your vocabulary and knowledge.

Take your pick: crosswords, word search, cryptocolour, crypto verse, jeu du Bac (in English) or word fit. You can play with your friends/family or on your own. Some games are inspired by Bible stories, other from general knowledge. Some games are printable others are available for your to play online.

Have fun!

Please note the games with this symbol (*) are hosted on an external website for now. 

Jeu du Bac (Bible)

Pick a letter and find words starting with the letter selected in all different categories (Woman, Man, Bible book, etc.) It's great fun when you play with family or friends.

Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 4.20.30 PM.png

Crypto Grid

Decode the the message by using the crypto grid.


Crypto verse *

Decode the Bible verse by finding the secret code. Each letter has a unique number. Some letters are already in place to give you a head start. This game can be a bit tricky at first, so feel free to ask your parents to help.

Crypto verse 1

Word search - Bible places * 

Jericho, Nazareth, Jerusalem, etc. How many Bible places can you you spot in this word search?

Word search _ Bible locations

Crosswords _ Bible characters

Who defeated Goliath? Fill the crosswords with some of the Bible characters.

Crosswords Bible Characters.png

Jeu du Bac (Generic)

Pick a letter and find words starting with the letter selected in all different categories (Woman, Man, Object, etc.). It's great fun when you play with family or friends.

Jeu du Bac (Generic).png

Crypto colour

Decode the message using the colour coded table.

Crypto colour

Word search _ mammals *

Locate all the names of animals hidden in this word search. They are all mammals.

You can play this game online (see the link below) or you can download a printable version.

Word search _Animals.png

Word search  - Europe #1 *

Locate the countries based in Europe. This is the first part. Second part coming soon.

Screen Shot 2021-03-31 at 3.08.02 PM.png

Crypto verse #2 *

Decode the Bible verse by finding the secret code. Each letter has a unique number. Some letters are already in place to give you a head start. This game can be a bit tricky at first, so feel free to ask your parents to help.

Crypto verse 2

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